The cooperative purchasing process begins when a lead agency publishes a solicitation for a purchasing need. From there, they will receive and evaluate the responses before providing a contract with the solicitation’s requirements. After the contract is passed on, the cooperative connects members with the supplier.
Cooperative purchasing involves a lot of moving parts. Typically, there are four main roles, all of which serve a specific function. Below, we’ve broken down the details of each role.
Lead agency. Responsible for soliciting, evaluating responses, and finalizing contract terms, the lead agency maintains ownership of the contract and its administration.
Supplier. Entering the contract directly with the lead agency, the supplier is selected and responds to the solicitation.
Cooperative. Supporting the solicitation process, the cooperative markets the final contract to agencies across the country.
Members. Agencies that register to participate in the cooperative are called cooperative members. These members “piggyback” off of the lead agency’s agreement.